UC51 Mailing List
This is an interactive email discussion forum about
the UC51 C compiler for the 80C51 family of Microcontrollers. After you
subscribe to the list, you will receive (through e-mail) all messages
posted to the list by other subscribers. And any messages you post to
the list will be echoed to all the other subscribers.
Please refrain from abusive or inflamatory language.
Please Do not post commercial messages.
We do not do your school homework for you!
List Commands.
To action a command, send an email to the list with the command (below)
in the subject line.
SUBSCRIBE subscribe to the list
JOIN subscribe to the list
UNSUBSCRIBE unsubscribe from the list
REMOVE unsubscribe from the list
SUSPEND suspends your account until you send a RESUME
SUSPEND-xx suspends your account for xx days or until
you send a RESUME command
RESUME restarts your suspended account
DIGEST get detailed help for DIGEST commands
DIGEST-xx set digest period to xx days (xx is a number)
and turn on digest mode
DIGEST-OFF turn off digest mode
DIGEST-ON resume digest mode using default or last
selected period
RESEND get a single digest message for the last 7
days of messages
RESEND-xx get a single digest message for the last
xx days of messages (xx is a number)
get help with the list commands
If the subject of your message is anything other than one of the above
commands, the message is forwarded to everyone who has subscribed to the
mailing list. A digest is a single MIME-encoded message containing the
contents of all the messages posted to the mailing list during the digest
period. If you send the DIGEST-xx command to the list, you will no longer
receive individual messages. Instead you will receive digest messages
at the specified interval. To resume receiving individual messages, send
the DIGEST-OFF command.